つっぱらず、「つるすべ肌」に洗い上がるジェル。 全ての肌タイプの毎日の洗顔に。 スキンケア成分をたっぷりと内包したピンクのカプセル入りジェル状クレンジングフォームです。 肌をやさしく包み込む、きめ細かな泡立ち。 カプセルから放出された成分が潤いを保つので、つっぱり感のない洗い上がりです。 洗顔後、つるつる・すべすべの肌を実感していただけます。
The purest of pleasures: this cleansing foam, developed for all skin types, but in particular for normal to oily skin, does not only have a strong cleansing effect. Natural sugar surfactants also make it extraordinarily mild. Pink beads release vitamins A and E which care for the skin. Tamarind extract has an extra, moisture-regulating effect – your skin is cleansed intensively and thoroughly in the morning and evening.
Lather with water in the palms of your hands, apply to the face and neck, massage in, then wash off. Use in the morning and evening.
Sugar surfactants, tamarind extract, beads filled with vitamins A and E
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